CREDC holds successful 2020 Industry Workshop

3/31/2020 3:23:49 PM Jenny Applequist, CSL

In February, the Cyber Resilient Energy Delivery Consortium (CREDC) hosted its annual Industry Workshop in Houston, Texas.

Written by Jenny Applequist, CSL

In February, the Cyber Resilient Energy Delivery Consortium (CREDC) hosted its annual Industry Workshop in Houston, Texas.

The 1.5-day event attracted 70 registrants and featured invited speakers and panelists from industry, academia, and government, who examined emerging and critical topics in energy delivery system cybersecurity and cyber resiliency. This year’s workshop focused in particular on supply chain security, Industrial Internet of Things security, anticipation of the legislative and regulatory cyber landscape, and strategies for technology delivery that ensure successful adoption. Participants were able to engage with CREDC researchers and learn about CREDC research, development, and technology. In addition, outside speakers offered their perspectives on research directions and goals, and provided input on CREDC work.

A photo of the CREDC 2020 Industry Workshop
A photo of the CREDC 2020 Industry Workshop

CREDC is a $28.1 million initiative funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Following this year’s meeting, Department of Energy representatives reached out to tell CREDC PI David Nicol, who is also the Information Trust Institute’s director and a professor of electrical and computer engineering, that they were very pleased with the workshop.

“They liked the program that we had; they liked the people that we had on the program,” Nicol says. “And the poster sessions we have at these workshops have always been popular. The industry people like to go there and talk to students; they like to find out what’s going on.”

The 13-institution CREDC research and development consortium is devoted to advancing the cybersecurity and cyber-resiliency of energy delivery systems for the electric power and oil & gas industries. It is administratively housed in the Information Trust Institute.

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This story was published March 31, 2020.